Amazing Hallelujah cover!

wooooow, she's good.

Though I was hoping for the Deep Purple one ever seems to do that one (its a completely different song, same name though).
she's got a real nice voice. sounds good on your part too. she seems to have this cool little fluttery tremolo to her voice. she wouldn't by chance be interested in any collaboration work would she?
I gave up after25 secs or so as my cyctem had stopped 5 times to buffer by then - either the major telco is overheating again or utub is very busy.
I'll come back later.
Nice sound up to "...chord that David..."
Thanks guys, and BlackHawk, i dont know for sure, PM some of your own songs and a idea of what type of song you would want to do with her. Shes gona come back down in like three weeks to record a few more songs so she might be up for it then.
What a beautiful voice!
Loads of feeling and her tones are spot on. Compliments!

Joe :) :)
Great voice. It needs to be out a bit more.

I would pull the guitar back just a tuch or roll off some highs on it to.
thats a great song! we do it in church here and there and alot differently. I will find a recording of it .
beautiful voice she`s got... that vids going on my phone..

shame she didnt use an arangement for acoustic guitar in an "eva cassidy" vien..

special stuff though ...

loved the vid .. very intimate
Oh my God. WOW! This is FANTASTIC! I am still stunned by her voice. This is going in my favorites. I heard Bon Jovi do this and really liked it, but I like her version better I think. Thanks for this.