amaha MG166CX-USB or M-164UF • 16-channYel mixer


New member
which one is better guys I would really apreciate the advice and info Im a noob at my studio knowledge. Which one should I buy?

Yamaha MG166CX-USB or Tascam M-164UF • 16-channel with effects and usb2.0

thanks in advance
I got a Tascam M-164UF a few days after Christmas. Paid $525 Canadian

I started a thread

a little overview
16 channels = USB 2.0 to PC.
Channels 1 to 10 go to PC direct, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16 are Aux returns, Sub Mix and Stereo Mix ... so, it's a 10 channel for direct recording
Full 16 channels when in analog. If using Aux 1 and/or 2 (#2=int fx) 13-16 are the Returns. It's got 4 busses.
Phantom Power = all ON or Off.

Very clean. no hiss or any noise. I had everything cracked and thought I forgot to turn on the mixer, it was so quiet

So far I recorded a live 4 tracks