Am I the ONLY one?????


New member
Am I the only one that thinks Chad Kroger, and Nickelback are the worst songwriters ever? I'm not trying to offend Nickelback fans, honestly I enjoy the music. The words......... a seventh grader could write more emotional lyrics. And don't even get me started with thier new song Animal. How do they continue to keep having hits? I'll admit the hook is all there, but the words? Come on. It makes me feel like the 80's are coming back!

Disclaimer: Sorry if I offended any Nickelback fans in this post. I just get upset when a band releases the same song twice (Figure You Out and Animal) It doesn't mean they're a bad band..............I just don't see how people are connecting to thier songs, other than the music. This is ONLY my opinion.
Sure Kelly Clakeson is just singing Bon Jovi songs, using femal vocals. Trust me play the two together.
As a Canadian living in the U.S., I am deeply offended by Nickleback. There are good Canadian musicians; why can't we hear any of them on the radio in this country?
I'm originally from Alberta too! DOes that mean you'll buy all my albums? 'Cause that would be sweet!
Are you selling albums? Always glad to support a fellow Albertan! How did you end up in WI? Family....job? Where are you from in AB? Cool web site - I'm at work right now but I'll try to listen to your tunes tonight....
photograph is probably the worst song I've ever heard... barenaked ladies > nickelback
Actually I hated all of Nickelback's stuff except for when Photograph came out, I actually liked that song. I still think it's decently written. But for the most part I can't stand them. Of course I also can't stand people who don't like them just because they're overwhelmingly popular. But I REALLY can't stand the Barenaked Ladies.
Like em or not, BNL's are some of the best musicians you'll find in pop music today.

Nickelback, rehashed over and over, but they sell a shit load more CD's then I do, so who am I to say?
If they werent so soldout in the US,it would be ok. Just like Green Day. The more the buzz,the less the production does down.
Mindcore said:
Like em or not, BNL's are some of the best musicians you'll find in pop music today.

Well, I heartily disagree. I don't observe any more musicality in them than in Nickelback. Unless you are referring to their ability to write songs with underwear jokes in them.
No, you're not alone. I can't stand Nickelback. Everytime I hear a Nickelback song, I want to kill someone, and it is almost always Chad Kroeger. :D
I throw up in my mouth a little bit everytime I hear that Cocker Spaniel-lookin' dude sing "We gotta make love just one more time in the shower."

And in that photograph song, why is he yelling so agressively for such a mellow ballad. Stupid A-hole. I hate all of them.
LMFAO! Doesn't matter what type of forum you click on, music, songwriting, automotive, religious, porno'll always find somebody hating on Nickelback!

They don't write ground-breakingly innovative songs. They just write rock songs. If you don't like it, don't fucking listen to it! Good lord, is it so hard to change the radio station? The reason they have become successful is Chad knows how to write catchy as hell songs. Even if he has released the same songs twice under different titles LOL!

Don't hate on musicians that have made it just because you don't dig them. Be happy for them...don't be jealous guys :)
I liked Nickelback early-on, but admit I've been tired of their music for some time now. I realize they've been successful with their sound, but I wish such bands would take a risk once in a while.

Is Colin James popular in the U.S.? He is in Canada, but not hugely. I think he's a tremendous talent, a fabulous blues player who equally dabbles in rock, jazz and even swing (and releases CDs devoted to the genre he's going for at the moment). I really respect that kind of diversity and risk-taking in an artist -- even if it compromises his fame.
at first i genuinely thought they were a joke when i first saw them on TV. i actually laughed.

now i realise they're serious.

and laugh harder.


Cheeky Monkey said:
I liked Nickelback early-on, but admit I've been tired of their music for some time now. I realize they've been successful with their sound, but I wish such bands would take a risk once in a while.

Is Colin James popular in the U.S.? He is in Canada, but not hugely. I think he's a tremendous talent, a fabulous blues player who equally dabbles in rock, jazz and even swing (and releases CDs devoted to the genre he's going for at the moment). I really respect that kind of diversity and risk-taking in an artist -- even if it compromises his fame.

I also liked Nickelback in their early days...but then their songs turned into sort of one big repeating machine, and then they wrote a song about a blowjob...and then having sex in a car...and, I dunno, I guess it just offended the feminist in me :confused: