Alto Comp. Trash or Treasure?


New member
Good evening, I would like to know if anyone out there has had any experience with the Alto Comp. It a digital compressor. It was recommended to me at a music store when I first started buying gear. I used it only once during a live performance but wasn't experienced enough to get a good sound.

I took it out of my rack and bought a dbx 166XL instead. The dials are alot easier than the press,press,pres buttons on the alto comp.

Let me know what you guys think of the Alto Comp and its ability as a compressor. I might put it back in the rack. Right now its about to get chucked in the garbage or given away.

Many Thanks
Don't have one. But, I did bite on the Alto mic pre, which sucks balls. :(

I don't recommend Alto.
I did a search on here for Alto comp's. everything that came back described the Alto Products as cheap knock-offs.

Once again, I was burned at the counter by a store clerk trying to make a buck. That Music Store went out of business BTW.

I don't think I'm gonna put it back in the rack. I'll save the space for a better quality product.

There were a few companies who were described as producing cheap products. Cheap as in junk I would presume. What to do with this thing now is my next question I guess.

I have the Yamaha Rev 100 on my shopping list this week. It should be in by next week. Price at Music Stop, $349.00 CDN.