Alto <--- anyone played with any of their equipment?


aka WookieMan

I think this is my first post in this forum... I might have put a post up a while ago.

Anyway, I was reading a magazine article on a relatively new company over in the States somewhere and I just wanted to find out if anyone has used/heard what the products produce. They are claiming to make 'Good Cheap' equipment. I don't know if those two words can go in the same sentence together...

The company is called : Alto

Just curious...

Why, YES, I've played with my equipment before. What a RUDE question!!..........

OHHHH, you mean ART / ALTO equipment!! AH yes, I have an ART SGE Mach II and an X-15 Ultrafoot that I fool around with every once in a while.

Sorry, my mind is in the gutter again today.
I think he means the photo of all the little asian people on the Alto website.

I've seen Alto stuff at Music City on Parramatta Road, and asked there about it, and got the usual "it's awesome, man!" comments, I was actually trying to string together and EQ & compressor to sort of make a de-essing device, but the sales guy had never heard of a de-esser, so I took his "awesome" remards with a pinch of salt.

Pretty cheap, maybe buy something, and if you don't like it, return it!
