Altec 1220 Mixing console


New member
I just bought an Altec 1220 mixing console off of Ebay. It came dissassembled. All the channel strips in one box and the actual console frame in another. Any way, the channel strips connect to the main board in the console by a 10 pin DSUB connector (Same type connector for computer equipment and the like). Anyway... The problem is that, I dont know which way to connect the DSUB to the console board. What i mean is, You can connect the DSUB with say the black cable on top or you can connect it with the black cable on the bottom. There is nothing which tells you which orientation to use.
This is much like when you connect a power supply to the mother board on a computer. You have to have it a certain way, else you can fuck your motherboard up.
Now, I do not think the power for the channel strips go through the DSUB connector. So, I'm sure it would not hurt anything to just plug them in and see if it works. I'm still hesitant.

So... If any of you have any experience with this console or consoles like it, please get back to me. I was also searching for a users manual for the board, but cant find one. If any one has it, I would be very appreciative. Ok thanks in Advance. Paul Knox
I am considering buying one just to use for a little bit different sound for recording. From what I've been able to find, they aren't as good as a full-use recording desk (obviously) but being an Altec, I am curious as to how the pre-amps and compressor sounds, as well as the reverb. I read that the limiter is pretty much a fuzz box, which could be interesting as well. They are about the cheapest thing that Altec has ever made from what I gather, but for $150, I can't but help to wonder if it could come in handy giving me some warmth onto my Fostex DAW's. Not running every track through it, but maybe the drum OH's, a doubled guitar track, etc etc.

Thoughts? Are these things total junk or are they usable to warm up a track here and there?
A D-sub can only fit one way as there is a taper on the ends. I think he may be talking about the ins or outs? However if he still has not got it plugged in (posted 2007) there could be a problem.
