almost done... thoughts please on the recording/mixing


New member
OK im startin' to get somewhat tired of this song listening to it over and over again.
What are your thoughts?
I personally am happy with the chorus', the solo is a bit better know.. we will eventually i think retrack the guitar ..

again this band is CAPITAL-A
( first full band i've recorded)

vocs still need help i guess too

thanks so much for any advice
The drums sound very good if they are recorded live. The vocals and guitars sound like you're standing outside of the door with a microphone. Dunno how you can fix this but how did you mic them and what with?
Drums ?
Drums were with SM57s, a seperate kick drum mic i think the D12, an AKG 414 on the Hi Hat..
Vocs were with an AKG 414 and an SM57 at the same time.... Doubled the tracks probably way too much.....

We basically did the Guitar and Drums at the same time, with the Bass being plugged in DI in the controll room.. also had a scratch vocs , than re tracked them the next day...

I'll give this to you, you had a very good rhythm.

I think you tried to sing in too low a range.

Wildcard Status: Needs Work
I hear alot of digital clipping.
The guitars need to sit more up front for this style of music. and possibly tripled.
The drums should be bigger too. (up front)
The singer also doesnt sound "tied" in to the rest of the music.
Maybe start mixing with all the faders at 0 without panning and start from scratch.... that usually helps when trying to figure out where your placing everything. Also listen to the same style music and where everything is sitting in the mix.
a little practice and im sure youll get it

1) The drums don't sound real at all to me. The way they are panned and the volumes...even the way they are played.

2) The guitars are way too muddy and low in the mix. For this music you should have em "up front" and more aggressive.

3) The bass is lost. Needs more punch (and volume)

4) There's a lot of clipping.

5) The hi-hat is way to loud for my taste.

That's all I can think of now.

