Allen and Heath GL2400-24


New member
I was just curious to know if anybody is using one of these and what you might think of this board for recording. It seems like a versatile board, but I would like to see if any of you have any experience with one, and what your thoughts are on it.

Well, the newer GL's are a little more similar sonically to the ML series than the old GL series. This is actually a pretty big improvement. More headroom, cleaner preamps, more musical sounding EQ. Still not the greatest sounding thing on the market, but certainly nicer than the older GL series and an excellent desk when comparing feature to price to performance to sonic quality to durability.

Not really my first choice for recording though. However, you aren't going to get much better for the money that also offers the feature set that the GL's do.
Right now I'm just overdubbing each track, so, I would like to upgrade to a console where I would be able to multi track, I know on this desk it says each channel has direct outs, so I'm not sure if this would support this, or whether these are intended for another use. Granted if I'm only going to be able to use the 4 buss output then really it isn't getting me very far.
I go direct out from my GL2400 into a Motu 24io. It's probably the best you're going to get for less than $100/channel.

The direct outs are ballanced 1/4" TRS.
It can be configured in a way so that you can have 7 submixes (mono), each with XLR outs.
It also has 5 sends if configured that way (1/4" TRS) that can also be used to submix if needed. If set up "normally" you have 6 sends.

I just use the direct outs though.
Check to see if the direct outputs are +4 or -10 as well. Many people seem to think that +4 means balanced and vice versa, but in reality, those are completely seperate specs and in no way depend upon each other. It is not that uncommon, especially if made overseas, to see a +4 unbalanced send, or even a -10 balanced one:)
The aux outs are balanced -2dBu. :confused:

The direct outs on the mono channels operate at a 0dBu line level and are impedence ballanced. :confused:

Damn brits and their wierd numbers :).