All I want to know is ..why


New member
I like this site it has some very interesting threads.The site was well thought out by having forums for specific interests.i mean no blatant dis respect to anyone.But being this is the keyboard and sound module forum,why are therte threads about Reason? why are there discusions on vsts etc?Im not trying to argue wich is better,I just feel that for in expeienced and those with low level of knowledge,there is alot to be learned from these forums,and there is a forum for everything..and this one software to me doesnt have its place.I guess its more of a rambling then a question..sorry im just a lil frustrated hearing these fruity loop beatmakers and reason users spreading false info and contribute to the end of synths (not really) when some one says..dont get this keyboard or that keyboard..reason is all you hurts keyboard sales,product development and so on...I guess it aint all bad,cause with the falling prices of used keys i can afford to buy more.
Because keyboards use midi. VSTs use MIDI. Midi Keyboards use VST for sound (sometimes) So you see, its all related. A lot like Someone posting about a guitar pedal in the guitar forum.
djhead said:
Because keyboards use midi. VSTs use MIDI. Midi Keyboards use VST for sound (sometimes) So you see, its all related. A lot like Someone posting about a guitar pedal in the guitar forum.
I hear makes some sense..but a lil far fetched...thing is there is a forum special for software...thats like me talking about electricians in the house and electricity...well the sound module is hooked up to the keyboard and the keyboard power comes from the house and electricians work on electrical situations in the house
50cal said:
I hear makes some sense..but a lil far fetched...thing is there is a forum special for software...thats like me talking about electricians in the house and electricity...well the sound module is hooked up to the keyboard and the keyboard power comes from the house and electricians work on electrical situations in the house
You are just getting crazy now...... :eek:
Just goes to show you piano and keyboard knowledge/skill is becoming a dying need
i only have one thing to say to you...
keyboard junkies are like the UBER math nerd in the math club. You know, the one with the flippin pocket protector?
Used to sell 'em, can't say I don't miss all those shiny buttons! :D