All Fall Down - First mix from DeepEnd


New member
Hey there guys, here's the first mix from my newly constructed and equipped DeepEnd project studio. I got lots of help and encouragement from many of you and this site as a whole. Thanks so much!

Anyway, here it is, a song called "All Fall Down" from local band The Para. (insert usual iffy vocalist disclaimer here). All criticism and tips welcomed, seeing as its my first actual mix for a band. Thanks again.

(Used a basic Reaper rig, Tascam 1641, SM57, Samson CO1/2, MXL R144 etc.)

Edit: lightning really did a number on the quality, you may listen here instead.
Hello there, you did a good job with the mix, but you need to tune the vocals, they are off the key in many places.

Understood. This is actually all one take, and has already been put through a tuning plugin once :(. Any fixing needed elsewhere?
Soundwise, the mix isn't bad.
Band performance so-so....but that's not your fault, unless you're producing the guys and not just recording them.;)

Joey :)
Nope just recording. :) The whole thing, not including mixing, was done in about 2 hours and we took the first take of most stuff. Quick demo. In a few weeks I'll post stuff from their upcoming full session, which I'll be playing bass on :rolleyes:, and I'm bringing in a new guy for drums. The ability to take more time and have better players should really help out, but I figured I'd throw this up to know what I should tweak and change before then.
Hey there,
The track actually is pretty good, your mixing sounds decent, the singer needs vocal lessons badly though! He’s got potential to have a pretty good voice.
Depending on your pitch correction capabilities, I would go through and individually fix the foul notes, if of course they are paying you for that kind of time. I also think you should check out the track “Dead Flowers” by The Rolling Stones. It’s a similar style song to this and I think the way they mixed the leads on “Dead Flowers” can help these guitar leads, and the whole mix sound just that much better. Good job all around though!

EDIT: I meant the mixxing sounded good, and the band was decent up there.