All ASIO gone from apps unless run as admin?


New member
Past day I reformated PC to clean up and the various like you do..

Reinstalled all I needed, Cubase, soundcard and interface.

However running Cubase I get NO VALID ASIO drivers.
The drop down in VST setup is empty, usually its full of about 3 or so ASIO drivers (Creative ASIO, Full multiplex(sp?) ASIO, ASIO4ALL and the Tascam.

So I thought it can't be those drivers.. I removed Cubase and all my VST apps to reinstall.
Before uninstalling I ran guitar rig which has the same issue, no ASIO at all.. but upon running it as Admin it seems the ASIO shows up..

Haven't tried this with anything else as i've uninstalled them but is this normal? I didn't have to run as admin before.. is it a setting i've missed in setting up Vista this time around? maybe turn off UAC?

Help appreiciated!
Well that issue is gone, I wouldn't say everything is working. I'm gonna update my other thread with my current issues/gripes, whatever they may be.

Thankks :)