Alias or Stage Names for Songwriters

Several! It deepen on the activity I am engaged in at the time.

Watch out there can be a clash if you wish to join a professional assosiation (Actors Equity, SongWriters Guild, etc) and someone else is already using your 'nom de plume' It is a bugger if they are 74 had one hit in 1956 and you've spent 5 - 10 years building a reputation and a brand around your name.

Just Google before choosing - 'Whatmysay' was from my 2.5 year old daughter (most original people in world) I did check it though.

It is like all identities - whats wrong with the one you've got?
I play black metal, and most black metal musicians put theirselves ultra ridiculous names like "necrobutcher". I also always though the corpse painting was a bit ridiculous, I never did (and prob never will) painting and I so far always use my real name, even if it's not "tr00 black metal" at all
my friend thought of a good name for me, i use it as my myspace music page band name.

Josef Drummond

my name is joe, and i play the drums, kind of stupid, but i like it.
Originally I was planning to take my wife's name when I got married, just to screw up computer systems, but then I married Cynthia Virtue (no kidding). I figured if my name was changed to Richie Virtue, I'd have to take up Rock-a-billy. What the hell...-Richie Monroe

My profesional name is Lucian Mortim.

I am known in my production end (for all those who will get this reference) as Lucian - Lord of the Privies.

I'm going to be half known in a band I'm playing drums in as Major Dick... =P There's going to be some sort of stage costume featuring a black dildo bolted to the top of a german wwii army helmet and a name badge with Major Dick printed on it... should be fun, anyway.
I play black metal, and most black metal musicians put theirselves ultra ridiculous names like "necrobutcher". I also always though the corpse painting was a bit ridiculous, I never did (and prob never will) painting and I so far always use my real name, even if it's not "tr00 black metal" at all

you should be known as G0aTsexor. (huh huh I said goatse).. SlaughterNuts or like ChristRaper or something. ahaha Black metal images are truely (tr00ly) the silliest things ever... I love watching Immortal music videos when I'm drunk with friends back to back with old hammerfall videos.. just makes the laugh fest so rich! Did you ever see the blackseed boys? hahaha if not, do a search...a wonderful parody of black metal (pop songs and christmas songs done in black metal style) that I still use now and then....Dain Brammage and the Youthful Offenders. Also on occasion...Osborne Kool.

For a brief time in the 80's, I was Jammin' Jay Suckmeblind.

It seemed like a good idea at the time...