Alesis SR18 to Cubase 7 - Help?


New member
Hello Friends!

I have struggled with connecting my Alesis SR18 to Cubase 7 via midi for about two weeks now and need some help if some can help me. I will give the list of my gear:

PC - Dell Precision M6400 12GB ram - 4 cores - 2TB recording drive - (no problems here)
Zoom R16 - latest update
Alesis SR18 - latest update
Midi to USB cable

Cubase 7 - Communications perfectly with Zoom R16
Midi-Ox - Them three pretty lights (midi / in / out) flash on the midi to usb cable when this software is running

The R16 is connected via usb to my PC.
SR18 is connect via USB through the midi cable to PC.
Audio outputs from SR18 go into Channel 2 and 3 on R16.
I am able to record SR18 through input channels on R16 into Cubase 7.
I am able to use the R16 as a control surface.
In device setup Cubase 7 claims to see "USB2.0-MIDI" as input as well as "MIDIOUT2 (USB2.0-MIDI)" and "USB2.0-MIDI" as output.

I have found no specific tutorials online about how to properly have the SR18 communicate with Cubase and vise-versa. I have gone though the SR18 manual, attempted the Cubase manual midi setup but the two wont devices wont "talk". Similar thing happened with the R16, but luckily someone out there created a PDF on how to easy set up the Zoom to communicate with Cubase.

What I want to do / or are the following ideas possible:
1) Instantly match tempo between SR18 and Cubase 7.
2) Have the SR18 start and stop the recording process in Cubase 7.
3) Have Cubase 7 start and stop the SR18
3) Program drums in Cubase 7 so as to trigger SR18.
4) Use SR18 as control surface to program drums in Cubase 7

This question is also in the midi forum.

Thanks for your time, I look forward to your response.


Why nobody has replied... because just one point of yours requires a lot of typing.
You have to do a little more research on your side.
I will give you some basic tips just to point you on the right direction.

1. MIDI clock. You need to slave your SR18 to Cubase.
You will have to learn the Synchronisation basics, it is all explained on the PDF manual on page 650.
For this point you will have to open the Project Synchronisation Setup menu. Page 653
For this go to Transport > Project Synchronisation Setup.
This Window is basically self explained but I will highly recommend you to read the manual.
Once you have set this on Cubase you have to set op the SR18, It should have a MIDI menu where you can set it up as slave.

Points 2) and 3) Page 657.

I will suggest a big cup of patience with this.
Best regards,
Thanks for replying!

Yesterday at the Midiox forum, someone suggested checking the cables. Sure enough, my Midi cables were marked wrong. The "Input" is actually "output" and "output" is actually "input". I guess a $6 China cheap midi cable will come with a few issues....

Syncing was instantaneous after I switched the inputs. I hit play on my R16, and BOOM, the SR18 runs (same with stop of course). I change the tempo in Cubase, BOOM SR18 tempo change, or least following, Cubase.

Now I just have to figure out how to use my SR18 as a control surface so I can program drums a lot easier in Groove Agent... if that is possible at all.

Thanks again for your reply!

Hey GM

So far, after the input output debacle, I am able to trigger the SR18 to play/stop when I tell my R16 play/stop for recording purposes. Drums are recorded from SR18 to two tracks. I also set up a midi drum track where I can program drums via clicking with the "drum stick" which trigger the SR18, and again, recording into two tracks.

I want to be able to tap the SR18 pads and have the midi information, both velocity and drum, recorded on the midi track... thus far my effords have been thwarted. I just don't want to waste more time if this type of use of the SR18 is even possible.

Thanks again for your time, I look forward to your reply!


I want to be able to tap the SR18 pads and have the midi information, both velocity and drum, recorded on the midi track... thus far my effords have been thwarted. I just don't want to waste more time if this type of use of the SR18 is even possible.

It is possible, you just have to configure it with Groove AgentONE or with Groove Agent SE.
It will be easier with Groove Agent SE.
1. Load Groove Agent SE on you VST Instrument Rack: Devices > VST Instruments (F11)
2. Activate the "Use Hardware controlling mapping" in Groove Agent SE. The button looks like and Hexagonal Pad with a drum stick on top.
3. Select the path highlighted in Yellow and right click on top of it.
4. On the contextual menu go to: Edit/Learn trigger not, then just play that pad on your SR18 and if your unit is sending MIDI it will work.
5. Repeat until you have everything mapped the way you want.

Best regards,