alesis sr16: Dead or just sleeping?


New member
My sr16 simply won't power up/on, regardless of different outlets, etc. Troubleshooting manual is no help beyond the totally obvious. Anyone have suggestions, other than take/ send it somewhere for expensive repairs? Thanx
As ocnor's said, most likely cause is the adapter.... don't suppose any of your friends have a similar machine?

I've taken to buying extra adaptors for some things these days after having issues with them in the past.

Do you have a multimeter? You could check to see if current's getting through the adapter. Also, these things normally either make a small buzzy noise or heat up.... is it getting warm? If not, it's probably dead and sourcing a new one shouldn't be too hard, depending upon when you live...

Good luck...
Do you have a multimeter? You could check to see if current's getting through the adapter.

Or you can just stick it on your tongue and if your eyes roll back in your head and your heart stops then it's working. :D
Or you can just stick it on your tongue and if your eyes roll back in your head and your heart stops then it's working. :D

Testicles are good too... but there'd be some explaining to be done when they found the corpse... :laughings:
My sr16 simply won't power up/on, regardless of different outlets, etc. Troubleshooting manual is no help beyond the totally obvious. Anyone have suggestions, other than take/ send it somewhere for expensive repairs? Thanx

You are using an AC adaptor? This is the standard 9V Alesis one and NOT a d.c. adaptor

