Alesis SR-16 16-Bit vs 24-bit

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Although every brand new Alesis SR-16 drum machine seems to come standard with 16-bit audio resolution, I've seen that model also for sale on the internet as "the 24-bit version". I emailed Alesis Tech Support to ask when these were offered, and whether the 24-bit version could still be ordered as new.

Amazingly, the tech said that he "searched through all of his SR-16 literature and could find no reference at all to a 24-bit SR-16". I then sent him a YouTube video of someone unpacking a new SR-16 which clearly says "24-bit Drum Machine" on both the machine, and on the manual. No response.

Does anyone here know the background for this "phantom" SR-16 version ? Evidently, Alesis doesn't even know their own product history...

Not sure what to tell you , the 24 bit SR16 I have I bought used about 3 years ago, I thought all the SR16s sold after 04 were 24 Bit?
Doing a LOT of research, I am finding brand new SR-16s for sale in both the 16 and 24-bit versions, with the 24-bit ones being maybe $15.00 higher in price. I don't mind paying a little more, but at least wanted Alesis to say SOMETHING to me about how much (if at all) better the 24-bit one is, just so I know.

Instead, their Tech Support guy tells me that he never heard of it, and can't find any info relative to it.

Very strange.

Anyway, thanks for your comments today, guys....
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I just looked at mine and it's the 16 bit that I purchased in the early 90's. For the price those weren't bad little drum machines at all. Time flies!
Epilogue: After giving up the "24-bit" investigation I ordered a brand new SR-16 on eBay, with the photo and specs clearly showing "16-bit DAC". I thought "to hell with it, I'll just be satisfied with that".

My new machine arrived today......and it is the 24-bit version.
I know this is a very old post but I did find that a 24 bit SR-16 has a headphone jack on the rear panel whereas the SR-16 16 bit doesn't. I'm also pretty sure the power wall wart has a different input jack on the end. Having a heck of a time finding the right one that fits the SR-16 24 bit one that has the headphone jack.

No idea Straydogger if the above will sort you out but at least if it cannot you can ship it back, although for the money it is probably worth keeping for a future purpose? EVERYTHING runs an a rat these days so you never know when you might need one!

Re the 16/24 bit 'thing'? No idea about the kit in question but I could suggest it is a bit of a marketing ploy? "Everyone knows 24 bits is better than 16"! Well, sort of, in an interface the only actual benefit of 24bits is a lower noise floor and thus the ability to track at a reduced level. -20dBFS is the usual number quoted but for particularly spiky or unpredictable sounds even -30dB can be used and the signal digitally boosted with no noise penalty.
16 bits is of course CD quality and has a theoretical dynamic range of around 96dB, more than enough for most things.

Do not be seduced by claims of "better, 24 bit resolution" Total bollox.

Loads of SR-16 posts all of a sudden. My recollection was it was a nice drum module - I used them for a long time as the go to drum source, better than the other drums available at the time. It wasn't remotely perfect. A bit noisy, and quieter playing was a bit thinner sounding, but at the time - pretty good I thought. I cannot imagine any real improvement in a 24 bit version - unless the electronics were re-engineered to lower the noise floor and the individual drum sounds re-done. The quality was sufficient, but now I can't imagine going backwards in time to even dig mine out from the bottom of a trunk somewhere?

Memory made a search work - SR-16 turned up a 2003 track we did for something - no idea what, that has the SR-16 very prominent in the mix.
We Built This City
(If Lazer reads this - guitar is a Line 6 into a Behringer rack guitar processor - can't remember which one - blue front panel)
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