Alesis Rack


New member
Hello all,

A buddy of mine is trying to sell me 3 pieces of slightly used Alesis gear and I'm looking for a fair price to offer. I've gotten quotes for the <shudder> 3630 ($155US) and the MEQ230 ($234US) for new pieces.

The problem is the Quadraverb GT that's in there. Apparently it's been out of production for a few years and I can't find any in the used market for comparison (other than occasionally on eBay).

Anyone have any ideas?


PS...there's an Ibanez SR1500 bass in the package as well that I can't seem to find a price for either!
I bought a Quadraverb GT a few months ago at a pawn shop. I paid $129 and it works perfectly. You might check the 'effects database' at the Harmony Central website for user reviews and prices paid. After doing a search for a manual on the web I discovered I could still download one from the Alesis website. Its over 120 pages long. Hope this helps!
Thanks, england!
Very helpful to hear from someone who actually just bought one!!

Usually those Harmony Central reviewer prices are all over the map but I'll check 'em out.

Thanks again,