Alesis Mutlimix 8 USB Setup


New member
A friend of mine just picked this up and I went to set it up for him. Everything seems to work fine except for the playback monitoring. It has a delay of 1/2-1 sec. What I am doing is monitoring through headphones in order to overdub tracks. I have the 2 track in engaged (since this is where the monitoring is through) and I can't get rid of this delay. I can actually hit the strings and the sound comes 1/2-1 sec later.

Any ideas?

I think this is latency. Check your software's (Cubase?) help for a latency setting. Usually there's a thing that will fix it.
Actually what i found was that I had to use an RCA cable and connect the tape ins to the tape outs. I am used to using Cubase SX3 and a couple firepods. So, I was used to clicking on the monitor enable button when recording. With this thing, enabling the monitor causes the delay.

What an interesting peice of gear this is... I will stick to my pods!
Just watch out with that 2 track button... Since there's 2 of em, (well, "2 track" and "2 track to mix") one of them can easily be forgotten...

Let's say you're recording a solo guitar on top of the rhythm track(s)... With the 2 track to mix button pressed, the track you are recording (in this case the guitar solo) will have the rhythm tracks on it as well.

I know it sounds like a no-brainer, which it is, but when you're flipping back and forth from recording to listening it can get overlooked! Many times I've forgotten it was pressed, and had to delete & re-record lol.