Alesis Micron??


New member
Hi all,

Does anyone own one of these? I'd like to know what it's like to live with, any problems, niggles... you know.

Cheers :)
I've had mine for a few months and from what I can tell, it's solid as hell. I love the size, I love a lot of the tones. The only thing I don't like is the tiny ass screen you have to navigate to get deep into the thing. It's par for the course with something that size, but oh well.

Long story short, I'm very happy with mine. Zero complaints.
:D The Alesis engineers are brain-dead when it comes to LCD screens and, sometimes, the angle they set them makes it seem like your GOOD eyes are looking through bifocals.

When you work for several hours, BIG screens and displays help keep your eyes from strain.

I had one Alesis keyboard--sold it because of the ugly, small, and screwy display screen.

Quality of the Alesis Quad-whatever board I had was minimal.

Best you try and LOOK at a keyboard before you drop your pezzutos.

Green Hornet :cool: :rolleyes: :)
The only thing I don't like is the tiny ass screen you have to navigate to get deep into the thing.

And thats where the software programmer comes in. The micron is identical to its big brother, the ion, in features (which does have a control surface) so its a very good deal
altitude909 said:
And thats where the software programmer comes in. The micron is identical to its big brother, the ion, in features (which does have a control surface) so its a very good deal
Can you use an external control interface with the micron and assign the parameters, thusly...
altitude909 said:
And thats where the software programmer comes in. The micron is identical to its big brother, the ion, in features (which does have a control surface) so its a very good deal
Identical except the Micron actually has sequencing capabilities onboard, the Ion does not. As far as sounds go (I use an Ion), they are extremely good, especially for the money. I personally found the Micron to be too small for me, and lacking in the control department. And yes the Ion's LCD is extremely hard to read (Unless you have a giraffe like neck), and the printed legending sucks. But it sounds great, and thus I've shelved a bunch of my older keyboards since I got mine.
The Micron is good for recording because it does sound good, but I hate it live. The tiny ass screen is one problem. But even worse you have to select patches by turning a single knob and sometimes it can take a while to find your patch. I would not buy it for the sequencer either. The sequencer kind of sucks.
Identical except the Micron actually has sequencing capabilities onboard,

Really.. didn't know that.

Thats even better. What does it do?

I would just run a master controller to it like you would a rack unit and use that as a control surface. It's 4 part multi also

Hell, now i want one.. :D