Alesis HR16 exhibiting Alzheimers!

Keith L

New member
Help! I'm having a problem here! It seems that when I turn off the power to my drum machine for any lengh of time, all the patterns, songs, voicings, etc. which i've previously saved are wiped out of memory. Hours of hard work are lost! Also, I've experienced this in the past when I've transported the machine (i.e. to a gig-although I don't recall jarring it, dropping it, etc).
Is there an internal battery or something which is supposed to keep this from happening? Is it servicable by me? Has anyone else experienced this?
I'd send it back. The manual doesnt mention an internal battery (but it HAS to have one) so its probably not user serviceable. I have been storing stuff on mine for 6 years now... Much of the time it has been unplugged... never lost anything.
S8-N- Thanks for your response. I e-mailed Alesis yesterday, and yes indeed there is a battery inside. Problem is, it's soldered in! (gee, I wonder why????). So, give it time, and I'm sure yours will go senile as well!!!! (The battery only costs $19, but unless you're handy with a soldering iron, you're looking at $100 labor. I wonder if a 12-year-old drum machine is worth it?)
There isnt much reason for me to use the Alesis with all of the great drum synth programs around... But I do have around 90 patterns in memory that I dont want to lose... I wonder if keeping it plugged in will help prolong battery life? I need to back those patterns up... too bad my system is down.
Hey Keith

You may want to hit the backup button, and page up to store to tape. I did this when the memory ran out, after putting in twelve songs. I store memory to vidio tape, works great.