Alesis and SR-120 through Bassman?


New member
I have a Fender Bassman 200 and a brand new (well, new to me) Korg SR-120. Ideally I'd like to hook the drum machine and my Alesis Micron up to the amp, possibly for playing out.

Is this a bad idea? Will it blow the amp up? I admit I'm a dummy about such things and once cracked a decent guitar amp by playing bass through it for three months.

ps Didn't know what forum to put it under. Neither Alesis nor guitar/bass seemed to fit.
You're unlikely to 'blow it up', but at the same time, it probably won't sound very good. The input circuit is made for instrument-level signals, so push the pasive/active button 'IN' to reduce the gain. Keep the volume low on your devices, and same thing wiht the amp volume controls, slwoly turn them up.