alesis and hip hop

QS7.1 pretty darn good, but could do better

Hey...i have a QS7.1. I'm happy with it...the sound presets are more tailored for Dance and Electronica in my mind. However...that can be easily corrected with an expansion card. I took a listen at the Hip Hop expansion cartridge and it sounded nice.

I'm NOT happy with the winds and strings...but i guess you wouldn't really be using those too much. But i still say that straight outta the's the Dance Music makin' machine. With an expansion pack, it'd do fine for Hip Hop.

But...with 20/20 hindsight...i should've gotten a Roland. This darn thing is NOT user friendly.

You gotta be a ROCKET scientist the to figure out how to run it with ANY type of sequencing software. I have YET to figure out how to get the friggin' MIDI trigger thingies in cakewalk to work with the bad boy. I've just given up and create separate user banks for whatever project i'm working on...but oooohhh what a bad day if i forget to write that stuff down.

I'd give it a thumbs up all around....but if you haven't purchased it yet...GET A ROLAND...yeah i know they are more expensive...but it seems to me they are far MORE COMPATIBLE with the outside world.