Alan... No Stephen Paul Mic?

Yes. 3 microns is the thickness of the diaphragm

I wish Harvey could stand to be here. :(

Not that he could shut DJL up :rolleyes:
sk8ingsnowman said:

So what is 3 micron the thickness of the diaphram???

Yep, it is.

The construction of a condenser mic isn't very complicated, it's the process that's complicated.
Actually, more current, the M150. It uses a small titanium diaphragm because Neumann was looking for a low-mass diaphragm that they could predict and depend on... From whom do you think Neumann got that idea?

Granted, over a couple years, A LOT of "secrets" were freely exchanged, but even to this days, Neumann denies it.
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The difference is that the ENTIRE microphone industry is using his 20 year old technology and someone like you do not recognize his name and know what he has contributed to the industry... Where as when someone mentions Rupert Neve...
DJL said:
Now we're getting somewhere. And what about if they used their own modified process verson of it? I wonder where Alan Haytt/PMI is getting his information.

From Stephen.

This stuff happened LONG before Stephen and Alan got together to collaborate on the SP microphone.

Ok, but what does that have to do with Alan Hyatt's claim that Neumann ripped off Stephen Paul?

Nothing, since it's not Alan's claim to start with.

Alan's not even involved in this issue, other than to respect Stephen's wishes that no details be made available until the mic is on the street. Steven got burned by SEVERAL companies regarding his modification designs, so he was pretty sensitive to letting any details out. Alan's simply staying the course in that respect. It's Steven's claim-always has been. And, as you can see by the responses of others that are familiar with the situation, it's a pretty well-known and accepted claim.

Again, if you would do a little research before throwing around innuendo, you might KNOW the answers instead of making shit up as you go, trying to make Alan look bad.
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Have to agree... DJL, it most definitely appears that your online persona with all of your "questions" are not out of geniune interest and curiosity and instead, out of spite, as if you're trying exploit someone.
DJL said:
Did Alan tell you this?

No, Steven did.

Alan's simply repeating the same thing that Stephen told me and others.

This is not a "late breaking story". These things happened years ago. Again, the details are a little hazy, because I wasn't planning on getting into a debate with anyone about the issue, and the forum where the information was made public no longer exists.
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DJL said:
I thought Stephen Paul was just a dealer and repair shop in the USA for Neumann... therefore, it would seem more likely that Stephen Paul ripped off Neumann instead of the other way around.

Yes, and Isaac Newton was just a migrant apple picker. When will you get it that you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about and are coming across as a total moron?

But since you are not really a moron, then the only conclusion is you are either too intellectually lazy to do even the most basic research before opening your mouth, or else you take great pleasure in slandering and maligning someone who was a friend to many of us here who recently passed away. The only motivation I can think of is that you actually get pleasure out of causing pain and observing the results. This is called sadism. You are the lowest of the low. You are not worthy of being spit upon.
Recording Engineer said:
Actually, more current, the M150. It uses a small titanium diaphragm because Neumann was looking for a low-mass diaphragm that they could predict and depend on... From whom do you think Neumann got that idea?

Granted, over a couple years, A LOT of "secrets" were freely exchanged, but even to this days, Neumann denies it.
I think it's a bold statement when someone says a company like Neumann ripped them off and they should be willing to give the full details.

If you know Neumann ripped off Stephen Paul and that the M150 has a his SPA diaphragm... come out and say it,

Also, provide the proof.
You gotta read the posts !

From a Newbie's POV, the best thing that has come out of these threads is the fact that a person like myself has learned a little bit about Stephen Pauls contibutions to the Mic industry. Without this forum a person like myself may not have known this. So I sympathize for those of you who knew him as a friend regardless of what his profession was. To loose a friend is not something easily taken. I have lost plenty in my life and I would hate to see their names used in vain myself. It doesnt matter if they stole cars or were promising song writers/artists, etc.

The readings were good because they sheded some light on how the new Stephen Paul mic started it's journey towards a finished product. From what I gather, it seems as if the man had a dream to produce a mic that he knew would be of a High Quality which he may have seen lacking in some of the other higher end mics. Probably something he has always wanted to do but didnt until he met the right person ( Alan ). The mic is now on it's way to life. The man passed on but in the meantime he taught another person who he had faith in to continue his legacy ( which we all should be thankful for).

I have a couple of SP products. I bought them without even listening to them. My main reason for the purchase was the way one person would say something negative about a SP product, yet 5 more would say something positive ( I dont know if it was SP people or not, dont really care). So based of the price range for the products I purchased I just said F it, what can I loose. If it doesnt work for this then it may work for that.

When I first started out I could only dream of owning a LDC. Now just about anyone who really wants to record and have decent results can buy one. You gotta start some where.

I have learned how to read through the posts, whether negative or positive ones.

my .02

DJL said:
I think it's a bold statement when someone says a company like Neumann ripped them off and they should be willing to give the full details.

Stephen said it. He's dead. Why don't you jump off a cliff and ask him yourself?

Although I wouldfn't count on ending up at the same address...
FFS DJL, Stephen Paul was having these issues with those other manufacturers long before Alan Hyatt even met him. Alan is only saying what Stephen had been saying for a long time.

It is well known that a Stephen Paul mod was considered an enhancement, even when carried out on a “top shelf” mic. It is also well known that Stephen developed techniques to manufacture “ultra thin” diaphragms………something which at the time was claimed to be “impossible” by those other manufacturers. Stephen's mistake was that he was too trusting and didn’t keep his techniques and knowledge “under lock and key”, consequently, all of a sudden those other manufacturers were marketing exactly what they had not long before, claimed to be impossible and guess who they credited with the new technology?

Stephen (and his writings on other BBS) are no longer around to confirm this, and you can bet that Neum####, etc will never admit to it. Whether you do or don’t believe it, or think that he was or wasn’t ripped off doesn’t matter…………

All Stephen Paul ever really wanted was an acknowledgement from those companies.

Unfortunately, he died waiting for it.

Well said. Chris!

DJL, I somehow get the impression you didn’t fully understand Stephen Paul’s background. What Chris said is true. Mr. Paul has been a major source behind most new developments of LDC mics, Neumann included. I had the pleasure of being personally filled in on Stephens accomplishments by Brent Casey at NAMM last summer and I was absolutely AMAZED at what this guy had done and was still doing. He was nothing short of an absolute GENIUS and believe me, folks of his caliber are few and far between. This is NOT about PMI Audio. It’s about the late Stephen Paul! Two completely separate entities.
Thanks Flatpicker, I know more about Stephen Paul's background than I lead everyone to believe... but thanks just the same. As I told chessrock in another thread "I'll lighten up" which means I'm done with this thread.