akg d12 or d12e?


New member
Yesterday I found a AKG D12E. I know there's also the D12. So what are the differences between these two? And does someone know something about the history of these mics?
The D12e was a very popular mic in the 60s for kick drum. It had a rather dull top end with a fat bottom that was very popular in the 60s. As harder rock got more popular, engineers added more and more top end to the sound for greater definition, but eventually ran out of top end with out adding a ton of hiss. AKG answered this problem by introducing the D112 which had the extra top end and tightened up the bottom end as well.

The D12e is still a good mic for kick, if you're trying to capture the older sounds. It's just a little dated.
I dont know about history...

I did a recording session (playing guitar) for someone and the engineer ended up using the old one (d12) for a full distorted track (think background chorus guitar for a Matchbox 20 type song) and it was really cool sounding....indeed it did the job and then some.

Afterwards, I used a D112 on a guitar and it sounded stupid:rolleyes:

Oh well...and FWIW, this engineer said that while he often uses a D112 on kick drum, he mics lots of other stuff with the D12 so I guess it can't be all bad. Cool if you got one. And I think they look cooler besides:cool:


Rock Jedi/Indie Snob