Akg D112


New member
I need a really good mic for recording a kick bass drum, is anyone familiar with the D112, and if so is it good... not so good? Or if anyone has a better suggestion, I'd love to hear it.
If you do a search on the BBS for that mic, I am sure you will find many answers to your question.
hey thanks for the info! Actually I guess the closest thing I can think of for a similar sound is the way tool's kick sounds... though what I'll be doing sounds nothing like tool, I love the way the kick feels in tool albums, it just was a great punch to it.
The D112 will probably get you some of the way towards that Tool kick sound as it wiil give you the low end thud as well as that slappy definition in the highs.I love this mike and some people also prefer the Beyer M88 which is also worth checking out but its just a matter of personal preference I guess.The D112 also sounds great miking my Fender BXR300 bass amp, nice aggressive, head pounding bass, mmmmmm.......
