akg d 9000?

random effect

New member
hello everyone. i need some good vocal mics for a decent price and i know akg is a good brand. I also want to try doing some recording with them (close micing my marshall). I have an sm57 but something seems to be wrong with it. the frequency range sounds thin and kinda shitty... so I'm on a tight budget and want something to work with. i can get two d9000 mics for 79.99. what do you think? anyone use these?

also, what about the art v3 tube pre? or the presonus tube pre?

thanks, Paul
As far as mics go, you never really know what might sound great on your voice so go for whatever but plan on buying more mics in the future. Now the pre, don't go for the ones you've mentioned, if you'd like to dial in some toob distortion then go for the vtb-1 by studio projects.
i just want to warm up the sound a bit so that it doesn't sound so hollow. has anyone had any experience with those mics? i know my ear is the final verdict but let me know some opinions. would they be good for micing guitar amps? also, what is it you don't like about the preamps mentioned?