AKG C414 B-XL II - need input regarding preampp impedance


Serious home recordist here, new to this forum.

I'm looking at adding an AKG C414 B-XL II mic to my growing but modest 'mic cabinet'. AKG's recommended load impedance for the mic is greater than or equal to 2200 ohms.

I have - UA 610 (6176) (impedance max is 2000 ohms) and a Great River ME-2NV (max impedance is 1200 ohms) preamps.

I can't imagine using the 610 preamp from my 6176 often to record vocals although it may work well with the AKG. I'm not that impressed with the 610 overall and occasionally find something it works well for, I bought it for the 1176LN basically (got a great deal on it). I love my Great River pre's but their impedance is rated a bit low for the AKG but at an industry standard of 1.2 k ohms.

My question - does any one here have experience with the AKG C414 B-XL II mic with pre's with an impedance lower than 2200 ohms? Will my tracking sound quality suffer significantly or just a bit? I'd like to add the mic but am not in the market for more pre's yet (although I'd love to). I've done my reading/research but lack the experience to answer my question w/o actually buying the mic and trying it out.

Thanks in advance for your input.