Akai ds4000 mkii trial


Well-known member
ok heres the deal i want to try recording with analogue. Primeraly to see if i can get a good recording of a guitar amp or vocals.
So after speaking to a friend on here i'm intrested in buying the above recorder from him.
I spoke to a local friend who i know had a reel to reel to see if he was using it and he said i could borrow it and trial it to see how i liked recording with it.That was this afternoon.
He showed me the basic operations and even hooked up a mic (shure c606) to show me how to use the mic.
His worked fine, mine on the other hand only worked at a good enough level when i put an impedance matching transformer on it.
So tommorow im going to do my first trials with the amp and i think an GLS es 57.
Has anyone got any tips on how to get a good sound.
Would my apex 205 ribbon work with this machine?
If so would i need to use the impedance matching transformer? Is this safe I dont want to blow my ribbon mic.
Whats a good level to set the mics peaking at on the veiw meters ?
I have the manual somewhere; I'll hoke it out for specs if that helps.

Personally, with any old reel player, I'd probably use a modern preamp into the recorders line input.
Is that an option for you?