Akai 12 track with tapes

Wow, $100. Methinks somebody in Cleveland should scoop that thing up, pronto.

Hey, he says the tapes are similar to betamax tapes. Wouldn't it be cool if some company would build a multi-track recorder- maybe 8 tracts- that used, say, VHS tapes? They could make it digital instead of analog, so that higher quality recording could be done, and maybe even be able to hook two or more of these units together, to get 16, 24, 32, etc. tracks. Maybe make a couple of remote controls, one little that did the minimum, and a bigger one that did all kinds of other neat stuff, too? Now wouldn't THAT be cool?

Wouldn't it be cool if some company would build a multi-track recorder- maybe 8 tracts- that used, say, VHS tapes? They could make it digital instead of analog, so that higher quality recording could be done, and maybe even be able to hook two or more of these units together, to get 16, 24, 32, etc. tracks. Maybe make a couple of remote controls, one little that did the minimum, and a bigger one that did all kinds of other neat stuff, too? Now wouldn't THAT be cool?


:D :D :D ;)

Wwwwowwwwww.........you might be ON to something...!

That is a really good deal.

Could get your investment back in tape sales if you didn't want to mess with the transport, but I bet it is a bad belt.

Factory stand too...never seen that.
Wow, $100. Methinks somebody in Cleveland should scoop that thing up, pronto.

Hey, he says the tapes are similar to betamax tapes. Wouldn't it be cool if some company would build a multi-track recorder- maybe 8 tracts- that used, say, VHS tapes? They could make it digital instead of analog, so that higher quality recording could be done, and maybe even be able to hook two or more of these units together, to get 16, 24, 32, etc. tracks. Maybe make a couple of remote controls, one little that did the minimum, and a bigger one that did all kinds of other neat stuff, too? Now wouldn't THAT be cool?


Tascam used an 8mm video tape and it was called the DA-88. :P