Ah what the hell. Might as well post this.

As usual, Rami, sounds great. Tight bass and drums. Great vocals. Maybe you tell the rest of us how to do it other than using the "talent" word. Sounds kinda "lo-fi," ....just kidding.
What a great tune. Now you have me saying..."get thee lost."
HA! Thanx a lot. Yeah, I kind of like that phrase. It just popped into my head. I hope I didn't unintentionally rip it off from something else, but I don't think so. :)
I don't throw that lightly, he had a great way to approach the listener with the way he mixed and song construction. Its more of an attitude of perfect imperfection. Not comparing you to him so much as his style but from a mix listener point. After all this is a mix forum.
I'll take it as a compliment. He was a major innovator. Just putting my name in the same sentence is pretty cool. :cool:
I have actually been looking at this post for a few days and have put off listening to it because I was in a good mood, I am recording with the new gear for the first time tomorrow. I should have waited until Sunday to listen. now I'm depressed! the drums are killer, the snare/bass/guitar runs are off the hook. I love it. when I read the lyrics, I was thinking this is gonna be tough to pull off. I was wrong!:D
Ah, don't be depressed. Just keep things simple. I find most people CAN have great recordings, but they think they need to use way more trickery and gadgets than they do and that's usually what ruins recordings. Seriously, this is just a hobby for me. I do everything alone, and just have fun with it. Maybe that's the secret: Just enjoy it.

As usual, Rami, sounds great. Tight bass and drums. Great vocals. Maybe you tell the rest of us how to do it other than using the "talent" word. Sounds kinda "lo-fi," ....just kidding.
Thanx a lot.

There's really nothing to tell. I'm actually surprised at the positive feedback I get for my recordings. One bozo around here once thought he was insulting me when he said something like "We don't all have access to top of the line equipment and good consoles like you do", and it turned out to be a major compliment because I don't have access to anything that's top of the line either. I don't even have a "console". I have average mics (Sm57, AKG c-1000s, etc...) going itno a TASCAM us-1800 going into REAPER. Pretty much what 80% of people here use, and far from "top of the line". I have a little bit of room treatment, but my floor is carpeted, which is far from ideal. There's really no secret to making good recordings. Tune your drums, learn your song, mic up your amp, learn your song, get good tones, learn your song, experiment with mic placement, etc...Oh, and learn your song before recording it. I really am surprised more people don't get better recordings than I do considering many people have way better equipment than I do and way more knowledge. I pretty much wing it all the way through. I really think it just comes down to practicing, sticking to tried and true methods, and keeping it simple. This ain't rocket surgery. :)

Thanx a lot guys.
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Well, you just explained it. But why don't you have better gear? You spend enough time recording; why not have good gear to do it with?
Well, you just explained it. But why don't you have better gear? You spend enough time recording; why not have good gear to do it with?

I guess I didn't explain it well enough. :eek:

My point was that I'm using the same tools most people here use. I never said my gear was bad. I do have good gear. I have a great sounding drum set, a Strat, an Epi SG, a Gibson SG, and an active Ibanez bass, a nice Fender amp, a couple of 57's, some AKG's, etc....it all goes into a TASCAM interface. (I'm repeating myself, aren't I?). I don't have vintage gear, Neuman mics or top of the line outboard gear, or outboard gear of any kind, really. My point is that it's nothing special. But I'm very happy with the gear I have. There's no reason for me to buy "better gear".

I thought what I said was pretty clear in the context of responding to someone who said to me "not everyone can afford top of the line gear like you".
You were very clear explaining what you wanted to explain. I asked you a different question, though. How come you don't invest in top of the line gear? It's okay to have a great vocal mic.
You were very clear explaining what you wanted to explain. I asked you a different question, though. How come you don't invest in top of the line gear? It's okay to have a great vocal mic.
Again...........I never said I don't have a good vocal mic. I have a very good vocal mic. I'm happy with the gear I have. I have good instruments and mics.
Exactly. What would be the purpose of spending 5-10k on a microphone to do a HOBBY. Maybe there are people around who COULD afford that, but if they were getting the results RAMI does with his equipment, I'd bet they'd put that money to other uses. :)
RAMI, from what I've seen and heard from you, bud, it comes down to these three things: You have great songwriting skills. You make sure your musicianship is up to the challenge of the song. You have some very well tuned ears.
:D happy recording!
Again...........I never said I don't have a good vocal mic. I have a very good vocal mic. I'm happy with the gear I have. I have good instruments and mics.

I think showing people how good a result one can get with decent gear, lots of knowledge and skill is what I have always thought this place to be. Your examples and results keep the fire glowing for others.

I like what you do with recording, how you do it and what you do it with. The name of this place is "Home Recording" and you demonstrate this high end results of the title very well.
Exactly, guys. Thanx.

I do what I got with what I can.......or something. :eek:

I have "good equipment", not "State of the art" equipment. If it ain't broke, why should I be?

For example this is my vocal mic: SE Electronics sE2200a II C Large Diaphragm Cardioid Condenser Microphone: Amazon.ca: Musical Instruments, Stage & Studio
It's a great mic and it cost me about $275 or something like tat. To get a mic that would make a noticeable difference, I'd have to go into the $2000 and up range, because this mic is as as good, if not better than any mic 3 times its' price. I've spent a few grand on gear in the last 2 or 3 years, but I've never spent a few grand on ONE piece of gear.

Anyway, I think my original point is getting lost. Wasn't looking compliments, but I appreciate it.
Exactly, guys. Thanx.

I do what I got with what I can.......or something. :eek:

I have "good equipment", not "State of the art" equipment. If it ain't broke, why should I be?

For example this is my vocal mic: SE Electronics sE2200a II C Large Diaphragm Cardioid Condenser Microphone: Amazon.ca: Musical Instruments, Stage & Studio
It's a great mic and it cost me about $275 or something like tat. To get a mic that would make a noticeable difference, I'd have to go into the $2000 and up range, because this mic is as as good, if not better than any mic 3 times its' price. I've spent a few grand on gear in the last 2 or 3 years, but I've never spent a few grand on ONE piece of gear.

Anyway, I think my original point is getting lost. Wasn't looking compliments, but I appreciate it.

I don't think the original point is getting lost, more like the thread is evolving.:D
As to gear, well this is a recording forum. Not Gearslutz.
If someone had the dough to get the "finest", cool!
But you show with your results that it isn't needed.
At some point it becomes gear aquisition, rather than just recording. When someone has commercial facilities, yeah you better have the good stuff. Just to be competitive.
But for doing music at home. Use what works. :D
OK, this is getting off topic to some extent, but as Clean says, "In a square room with cheap gear, getting it done."
Personally, Rami, I think you could get great results with junk. You have great instincts and recording/mixing skills.
Personally, Rami, I think you could get great results with junk.

He always uses his junk to get great mixes.

HA! "Dick in a Box" is an all time classic.

Thanx guys. Man, this thread just won't die no matter how much I try to stay away from it. :eek: :)
I have a message for everyone from Rami....who, as we know, has been banned.

"On behalf of the Alzheimer Foundation of Canada, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Easter 2007 and all the best for 1978.".

Have a great one!!!!