after recording first band, i need HELP! Read Nuendo user plz


New member
Well today i recorded my first band, not bad but i have a couple question concerning tracking. For example how do you guys do it when your like half ways recording a song then the drummer misses a hit... do you guys start over and track drums again or is there an easy alternative where i can continue from the place they messed up with out creating new tracks.

Heres how i recorded, i miked drum set, and the drummer playes along one guitarist that was using (amplitube2) and im using a Firepod. I monitor each through headphone.

Can anyone help me, because the easiest way i think to fix this problem is just making extra tracks, then copy and paste them back to the original drum tracks but the problem with this is that for some reason after having a lot tracks open in nuendo my CPU goes high and i start hearing cracks, and pops in the speakers(IDK why but thats pretty annoying and im running 4 gigs of ram with 2.01 dualcore processor)

any suggestions feel free to post.
If it is a fairly small mistake, why not just "punch in" the drummer playing along with the original track? That is the fastest and easiest way to "fix" minor mistakes that I can think of.
Hmm, this is going back to the basics of recording/editing on a computer, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt anyway...

Yes, if you think the mistake is worthy of re-doing then its usually best to punch in just for that bit (to save discarding the rest of the take which was ok).

I normally just punch in at a comfortable place for the drummer on the same tracks, and I usually do a few takes of the whole song anyway in a similar way. I then go through afterwards and make a comp of the best takes, stitching them together with little crossfades to make the transitions unnoticable.

I don't know about Nuendo, but all the DAWs I've used have take-management/track-layers stuff so you can do this fairly easily and organise all the takes on one track.
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First thing I'd do is have enough wits about me to figure out the answer to such a fundamental question before I went out and spent $2000 on a piece of software meant for audio-for-video post production.

Second thing I'd do is ask myself if that missed hit really, really matters or not...if it matters enough to go through an alternate take. I'd simultaneously ask the question if whether the missed hit was just "one of those things" that could happejn to anybody, or whether it was because the drummer came unprepared for the demands of recording.

There's no rule that it has to be a perfect performance. If it's a mistake that doesn't stick out like a Dead Head at a Young Repulbicans meeting and the drummer sucks enough to not be able to guarantee that he can get through an alternate take any better than he did the first one, then leave it alone.

And third thing, go out and buy yourself a legal piece of software. Things always sound better that way.

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Glen, I was thinking the same things.Nuendo is not cheap.Why would someone buy it but not have a clue how to record/track a band. If the question said maybe "I use garage band,or I use Reaper, or I just bought an mbox" I'd think ok, kids gotta learn, but Im thinking cracked.
What waste of bandwidth this thread is. No offense to those who were nice enough to try to help anyway.
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WE should KNOW YOU would have trouble when you GOT IT without a manual AT discount and didnt read the manual like a PIRATE on the BAY.

Read the caps....