After a mic, then what?

Napoleon Solo

New member
I have a Audio-Technica AT4033 (great mic), using a Stewart Phantom Supply Module, going to a Yamaha MD8 (mini disc). I have a Behringer Virtualizer, a Modulizer, and a Composer Comp/Limit on back order.

Should I even consider a mic preamp like the Joe Meek VC series or the DBX Vacuum Tube Processor series?

How about a vocal processor like the Digitech Vocalist VR (harmonies) or the Focusrite VOICEMASTER? How about a "finalizer" that does things for vocals too?

I'm looking for vocal processing only.


It SHOULD read:
"...the RNC Comp/Limit on back order, not the Behringers."


Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound

If I was the dishonest sort, I could make A PILE of money selling them to unwary rookies!!!! Oh well, gotta stick to my values, I guess.... ;)

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

I have been concentrating on vocals lately, and have been getting some nice results using a behringer comp, dbx386, and NT-1. Of Course my next mike will be a 4033. My assessment of the 386 is - it is versatile, clean and transparent. I understand the Meeks add more "color". I have never been fond of any vocalisers/harmonisers, a good voice needs little effect. A finaliser would be nice but is way down on my list of priotities.
BTW Bruce and RE, I'm gonna buy me a RNC this Saturday
and I will let you know how they compare to my Behringers!
O.K. no laffin' guys! It's just that I have no complaints 'bout my comps and @ 175.00,I guess you can't go wrong with a RNC so I'll let you know!
BTW Bruce and RE, I'm gonna buy me a RNC this Saturday
and I will let you know how they compare to my Behringers!
O.K. no laffin' guys!...
Bwa-ha-ha!!!!!! :p

Actually, Mr. Q

I've NEVER used ANY Behringer products in my life so I'm REALLY interested in how your comparisions turn-out. And if you can put-up some mp3s for us to hear, that'd be even better!
I should be ready to post some mp.3's by next week although
I'm kinda' noiv-us!!
Bruce already laffed @ me!
Do it to it

Hey Mr. Q: Fuck 'em if they laff at you.
U are the final arbiter of whether or not your stuff sucks.
BTW: I wanna hear what you have to offer as I have bared my soul on more than one occasion for the world's H/R freaks.
Obvious intelligence going for the RNC.
To be quite honest... I'd be interested in hearing the difference too - I've never used the Behringer comp, but Ed does, so there must be SOME redeeming quality to 'em!


PS... I was laughing WITH you, not AT you!! (er... oh, you weren't laughing?? OK... I was laughing at you then!!!) ;)
