Advise Please: PCI vs PCIe and performance


New member
Hello everyone, I currently own a EMU 0404 PCI soundcard. I'm considering upgrading to the PCI Express version of the same card or perhaps the PCI Express version of the 1212.
My question is will there be a performance increase for VST plugins. I use several very CPU unfriendly VST instruments. In my DAW the usage meter will be up at 100% or sometimes even higher, while at the same time the CPU meter in Task Manager is only at 40 or 50%. I get the sense that my soundcard is the bottleneck. Will the PCIe upgrade help significantly? :confused:
Is there anyone out there with experience who might be willing to share their thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
no, it wont make any difference. The type of bus has nothing to do with VST cpu usage. Bigger processor is the only solution.
The only thing a PCIe soundcard might allow you to do is record more SIMULTANEOUS tracks.
And a standard PCI card can do well over 100 so who cares....

Plugins are not, as altitude pointed out, processed by your soundcard.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question. I guess I will take some time and rethink my plans. I don't plan recording more than 2 or 3 tracks at a time so it doesn't really matter. I may just upgrade for the digital audio converters.
.. I may just upgrade for the digital audio converters.

That is the same thing. Sound card = Digital audio converters.

If you are hitting the ceiling cpu wise, it is time for a new cpu or a DSP ala UAD/TC Powercore