Advice on techniques


New member
Allow me to paint a picture:
Ya pop in a cd and get that scrathcy nostalgiac sound of a vinyl record. The guitar enters with the sound of a '30s's record in mono as do the vocals. At the end of the intro, the song abruptly "fades" into full-range stereo. The theme is an accoustic album of covers with a few originals, but with the down home classic sound.
The problem. In order to use the vinyl fx, I have to insert it. The vinyl fx stays in the mix long after the intros are gone. How can I have the vinyl shut down as soon as the mix jumps to stereo?
I did post a similar question in the Cubase forum, but it wasnt worded properly nor was it in the right thread. Thanks for any advice you may give.

duplicate the track, apply the effect to the duplicate, mute it when the stereo comes in...
have several tracks set up:

1. vinyl noise
2. mono guitar
3. mono vocal
4-x stereo tracks

then just have the tracks 1-3 drop out as you pan them into the stereo positions and cut over the stereo versions. the mono tracks are duplicates of the stereo bounced into mono so they're 100% in sync (might be phase issues but that is something else to possible address...)

using something like iZotope Vinyl (free) can help here as well - you can add the effect over the desired tracks and use automation to cut it off.

it all depends on the level of sophistication you need...
gullfo said:
using something like iZotope Vinyl (free) can help here as well - you can add the effect over the desired tracks and use automation to cut it off.

it all depends on the level of sophistication you need...

That is exactly what I am using. In fact, the track has the same quality as the normal track except that when I engage the vinyl as an insert, I use the 30's setting so it has the tin-can effect along with the vinyl scratch/noise. Thanks for the advice.