Advice on new guitar and amp

Jef Gibbons

New member
Hello all, just want some up to date advice for some new purchases for my recording studio. I need an acoustic that will sound great in many genres of music (around the $1200 range). And I need the best amp (smaller size, but able to do light blues to heavy metal) for my Strat.
Bass is less important, but maybe the BassPOD for that. ANy tips, ideas, suggestions, or setups that are working great for other multi-purpose studios out there?

Up till now I've been using a $500 Yamaha acoustic, Amer Strat and the Pod, but the recordings seem weak and sterile. Thanks!
I forgot to mention that this is for recording only, I barely ever play live, just looking for the best setup for the studio.
Try a Larivee guitar, they make great acoustics.

For an amp, look for a small wattage boutique amp: 15W max, but even smaller if possible, 5W all tube amps sound absolutely massive when recorded). Check out stores that carry used gear and look for small tube amps, and let your ears tell you what to buy, not the name on the amp.
Thanks for that, I just saw a Larrivee for $1200 (CDN) might look into that, also found a Laney 30W tube amp, gonna try them out tomorrow maybe... anyone reccommend a Laney over a Marshall? Also thinking about upgrading the AT 3035 LD mic to something like a Rode tube mic... even better sounding acoustic???

The other thing is, is the POD XT that much better than the POD? I love the ease of it all, and if the sound is a little stronger, could be convinced to go that way...
the main thing is to make sure that you have your sound together before you record. I have a cheap ass acoustic that sounds really good, I can get a good sound out of a strat into a fender amp, and I can get a good sound out of a mexican strat into a pevey amp.

The hard part is getting that sound to translate into a recording and sit well in a mix. That is an art all unto itself.

You can get alot better recording with superior recording skills and cheap ass guitars and amps than you can with the best instruments in the world and poor recording skills.
my 2 cents
I bought an Alvarez Artist Series acounstic/electric about six years ago for the same purpose (recording) and can't say anything but GREAT about it. Got it at Sam Ash for about $450.00 (US). It's served me well both through an amp and miked in my home studio...very versatile guitar.

As for the POD situation, it depends on how many bells and whistles you need/want in the studio. I've always maintained that putting too much of a good thing really limits the music and distracts from what I'm, persosnally, trying to do. Do you want all those extra effects? Then get the updated POD.

Amp-wise...I have my trusty eight year old Fender Princeton Chorus. Great sound for the plugged in acoustic and my Strat really growls through it.

Best bet? Go into a music store and just play with a bunch of stuff, keeping in mind that the more you spend is not going to make you play any better.

Have fun...that's what it's really all about, now, ain't it?

an often not mentioned amp.... Randall. Not a gang of extras as far as effects go. But a solid, powerful and rugged amp.

For home recording I am going to suggest the Alvarez too. I like my fusion.... maple top thinline. Bright highs, not a bad low at all. The sustain and clarity that the maple top puts out really lends itself well to a small room environment.
Thanks again, I tried an Alvarez today and was impressed by it. Ultimately I'll have to get them into the studio and AB each of these items with my current setup and see how they measure up.

The point of my questions here is to see what other people in my situation are using and to find ways of getting a better sound right from the start. Why bother leaving to the mix when I can start with great sounding gear, (I'm not looking for most expensive, just what works, and right now, the Yamaha I own isn't working) when I bought those things I had no idea I would one day own a studio and be using them for recording.

Oh, and I am having fun, it IS what it's all about!