Advice on mixing a song I didn't record...


New member
Hey all!
I was recently enlisted to remix my friend's CD that they recorded using Sonar 7. The problem is I use Logic!
So it may be a stupid question but I've never had this situation before, and was wondering the best way of going about it? Usually I'll just use my system to record/mix. Is there a way to input the new information, or will I have to obtain Sonar?
You can ask him to supply you with consolidated wave files. All starting at the exact same time and being the same length. Then just import them into your daw.
All of his wav files are in a folder named Cakewalk Projects\project name\audio. Have him drop them on a flash drive, and get any notes (particular start/end time, measure:beat:tick, resolution; or minute:second:frame, etc.) Import them into your DAW (only the ones you will be using; so you are going to be listening to a lot of files). Use only raw wave files, no efx--- you'll be applying your own plugins and outboard effects. This is where mixing someone else's music starts. They want the benefit of fresh ears. Mix the music to sound the best for the music, not to sound like someone else. Good luck and have fun.
OMF Files will most likely be your best bet. Save or export their session to an OMF file. OMF's are made to share sessions between DAW software. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure Sonar has that option.

Ok, now I really feel stupid.

Please clue me in. What are OMF files? And how do I find out if my version of Sonar (HS7) is capable of working with them?
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Omf stands for Open Media Framework Interchange
Some daws that incorporate this are PT, DP, Logic, Cubase and Sonar.

On some systems it comes standard on others it an add on. You would have to have the files exported through omf and then have the files imported through omf as well, so both daws would need to have it.
I'm digging the WAV idea better. I like the idea of having just the raw WAV files I can mix myself. Thanks a lot guys!