Advice Needed on Mic Preamp Upgrade


New member
I've replaced my Aardvark 24/96 Direct Pro with a Lucid AD96 and now need a decent mic preamp. I'm looking to stay in or around the $150 range and find something equal to or better than the pres in the Direct Pro. One candidate [maybe?] is the MAudio DMP3. Any thoughts appreciated.
I personally like the aardvark pres better than the DMP3. In that price range, I'm not sure you'll get something that's clearly better than those... just different. Certainly the DMP3 is a solid pre...
Well, to be honest, I don't have any complaints with the Direct Pro's preamps, so if I could find something comparable I'd be happy. My concern is that I don't want to get a mic pre that will compromise the quality of the Lucid AD. Any help appreciated.
id say the dmp3 pre is equal to the Direct Pro pres.......some like it a little more, some a little less.....
rontokyo said:
My concern is that I don't want to get a mic pre that will compromise the quality of the Lucid AD. Any help appreciated.

the mic pre won't compromise the Lucid. The lucid will just let you know how shitty or not the mic pre you have is. A shitty mic pre may not being using the Lucid's full potential on the other hand
1. Will I be defeating my purpose in upgrading were I to use the MAudio with the Lucid?
2. What mic pre [for let's say under $250] would allow the Lucid to be used at its potential? Thanks in advance.