Adjusting tempo in a session moves the audiofiles out of relationship with eachother.


New member
Maybe someone can help me out.

I'm in a cubase(sx2) session with the wrong tempo. Now I tried to set it right in fixed and track mode, but it keeps moving mij audiofiles.

Seems like the start of each file is locked to the bar/timeline. So all audiofiles alter if I change the tempo. Everything is out of sync.

Is there a way to lock the files to eachother so I can change the tempo without moving the files. I just see them shifting as a fill in a different tempo.

As a last resort I could set up a new project with the right tempo and fit all the audiofiles in, but there are way to many.

Need some advice!!

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i sometimes had this problem too and sometimes i didn't ...... it drove me crazy till i found out that you can set time base on channels induvidually to either linear(sec minutes etc) or musical(quarter note , etc) .

You switch channels by clicking on the button that either has a small clock on it or a quarter note. You can find this button under the monitor button and to the left of the channel lock button. (In the main sequencer screen)

*dutch mode on* ik hoop dat je weet waar ik bedoel !!! *dutch mode off*


Hi there Thomas,

Thanks for the solution of my problem. This was the thing I was looking for. I never found it because I always keep my trackheight to low, so I couldn't see the icon.

I just but them to time, reset the tempo and fixed them back to bars instead of time.

Great! Many thanks.

*dutch mode on* de meeste reacties hier krijg ik van Nederlanders, typisch *dutch mode off*