Adding to the trend of silly tunes - Parental Advisory


New member
With the rash of silly tunes being posted, I figured I'd give you what I've got.

Here's a band that I recorded a couple years ago called 'Kook'. This is off their second CD, and is definitely not for the easily offended. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!

This song produces some interesting results when they play it live...I'll let you figure out what happens. ;)

Again, if you're easily offended, don't listen, but if you're up for a good laugh and can handle it, this is a good one. :)

Kook - SMYT
Bloody hell!

Southpark meets metalica. That certainly woke me up this morning!

I can just imagine the look on someones face as they walked in while you were recording that! - really good vocals too. I dig you Americans!

Put some sereious stuff up, I bet its good!
Fan-Fuckin-Tastic. That just made my morning. I'm gonna statr me a CD with this and the Marijauna Polka to stat with. :D
More serious stuff from Kook

Just in case you guys wanted to check out some of Kook's other material, here are a couple more songs. Again, the language is a little harsh, so tread lightly.

From their first CD 'Bottoms up'.

Kook - Chewy

From their second CD 'Keepin' ya crazy'.

Kook - Little Friends

These guys are going to be recording with me again in the very near future. I haven't heard their new stuff yet, but am very much looking forward to it.

Kick Ass! Reminds me of a 'Primus' meets 'the Mentors' meets 'Ludichrist'....... I love that heavy part......sounds good loud!

good tune recorded well:D

CD availability

I'll have to check with the guys to see if they have any CDs left. Since both CDs are several years old, and only a few thousand were made, I'm not sure if there are any laying around yet. I'll try and get some info over the next few days.

Thanks for listening and posting your comments. :)