Adding effects after?


I've recorded 4 full tracks on a Portastudio 414mkII without any effects(dry). Now, I want to mixdown and add reverb by sending thru an Alesis microverb on its way to cassette mixdown. How do I accomplish this and keep stereo seperation?
- Connect one of the effect sends of the 414 into the left input of the Microverb.
- Connect both outputs of the Microverb to the stereo inputs of the 414.
- Turn the wet/dry mix on the Microverb all the way to the wet side.
- Now adjust the effect send on each channel of the 414 as needed

This way gives you the most control over the effect on each individual track. The reverb will not obscure the stereo placement of instruments as long as it is not overdone. If your music is swimming in reverb it will be muddy and undefined.

- A second way to treat the whole mix is to put the Microverb between the 414 and the mixdown deck. The dry signal on the Microverb is preserved in stereo, but the wet signal passes a mix of both channels. This method will only give you control over wet/dry, and not control of effect an each track individually.

In either case the reverb should be present, but not overwhelming in both right and left channels to sound natural. The individual tracks should be “up front” compared to the reverb to preserve their relative positions in the right-left continuum. Giving a track a dryer or wetter treatment of reverb will give it front-to-back placement as well.


Thanks...the missing link was "input switch must be in tape selector" for the effects to route through the mixer. Plus your setup. All is reverb-rb-rb!