Adding Drum Loops


New member
Hi, has anyone out there come across a good tutorial on adding drum loops to a Pro Tools session. So far the one's I have found are quite confusing and leave out key steps. MisMi4Trac
Never came across a tutorial on that, but.. you want drum loops as in drum samples? Or do you want to program your own drum patterns (MIDI)?
I just wanted to find a tutorial that will show me step by step how to add drum samples to my project. You know, conforming to tempo, switching to ticks etc. I find it very confusing and wondering if anyone else has had this issue. Any suggestions would be very helpful!
If the drums don't have to be "real" recorded drums, try Addictive Drums. If you're not into programming your own beats, you basically just drag and drop pre-made beats into your DAW timeline. As far as real drum samples, it might sound kind of weird if you change the tempo on it.