Adding 4-track Recording To A Digital


New member
I don't know where to post this.

Sometimes I like the way certain things sound recorded on a 4-track. Is it possible to transfer a track recorded on 4-track, to a digital recorder?
It's usually pretty easy to transfer a track from a 4 track to a PC. Just conect the line out from the 4 track to the line in on your soundcard, play the track(s) you want to record on the 4 track and record it to the PC. It's the same idea as hooking up a mixer (to the PC) and works about the same.
I run the 4 track direct line outs from each channel into a sep input in my 8 In/8 Out card. Works a treat.
It can be done with 2 channels at a time if you don't have enough inputs but you can have some timing issues & it will also depend on the drop & drag finness of your program.