Addictive Drums double kick help


New member
Hi everybody,

I am trying to setup a double kick drum in Addictive drums and am having trouble!! There are plenty of videos on You Tube with people playing double kicks (Mainly Metal kits).
Up to now I have been using Drumcore 3 with automatically maps two kick drums to my MIDI keyboard but I cant see how its done in Addictive.

Any help would be great.

Adz :guitar:
Trouble is I want the double kick drum available to play but it only gives me one. Can you edit the kit to make two available?

Maybe im coming from the wrong angle, I am using a MIDI keyboard and would like two of my keys to play the same drum (Kick drum) do you think this is possible?
Yes you can do that.

Go to the beats window in addictive, then select the midi map window. Click the kick keyboard button, then drag that to the open keyboard key you want.

Hopefully that made sense.