Adats in a slant rack?

sponge bob

New member
Can I put my old blackface units in an angled slant rack
without harming them or their performance in any way?
The rack I have is an incredible custom built cherry rack for
a new studio install, but the slant is more than 45 degrees.
I also thought of putting a DAT machine in as well if its
not harmful.

Sponge Bob
You could mount them upside down practically and it would work. I have seen several in mounted racks, and did it myself for a time.

Mine were in a slanted rack for a couple of years also. They probably put that in the manual so they'd have more "ammo" against claims of defects. They probably figure that 9 out of ten racks are slanted and people are gonna ignore the manual anyway. If you were to call Alesis with a problem in the transport, "Was it in a slanted rack?" would be one of thier first questions. Maybe over years and years it might be bad but I doubt anything would happen generally speaking.

Probably just my paranoia ;)