adat software for xp


New member
hi. i just got an lx20 and the adat edit software, but i would like to get something that is compatable with xp so i can use my better computer. is there anything out there that can do the same thing as the adat edit stuff?
ez_willis said:
What soundcard do you have?
well right now i have the adat pci card for my windows 98 computer. im not sure what i have on my computer with xp. its most likely just some stock card.
well, you cant use it on your computer with windows xp, but you can use it with your windows 98. If you want to use your xp machine, you have to get a soundcard with adat inputs. Do you have a firewire plug in your xp machine?, or does it have to be pci?
notbradsohner said:
well, you cant use it on your computer with windows xp, but you can use it with your windows 98. If you want to use your xp machine, you have to get a soundcard with adat inputs. Do you have a firewire plug in your xp machine?, or does it have to be pci?
i know, thats what im looking for, is a card that would be able to function like the adat pci card but that would b compatable with xp.

but no i dont have firwire unfortunantly
Can you record on the machine with 98, then tranfer files to the machine with xp? If so, you just need to upgrade the software on the xp pc. Logic audio, cubase, or any other program that uses AIFF or WAV files will do.
ez_willis said:
Can you record on the machine with 98, then tranfer files to the machine with xp? If so, you just need to upgrade the software on the xp pc. Logic audio, cubase, or any other program that uses AIFF or WAV files will do.
yeah, but the reason im looking for something for xp is becuase my 98 computer is on its last leg, so im trying to get something that i can use wit just the xp so i wont have to depend on the 98 computer.
Just buy any new soundcard with ADAT in/out and ADAT sync. RME or MOTU has them, among others, and it will work fine with XP. The Alesis card isn't the only card to transfer at samplerate accuraty through ADAT lightpipe.
thanks Stefan Elmblad, and xstatic.

just one more question, sorry. what would be a good program to use for transfering to the computer and then editing?
if you are just starting out, I suggest n-tracks from . Great for the money. There is an array of software out there, you just need to decide what is right for you. On this board, we have several sub-groups dedicated to specific software, so I suggest you hang around there for a while and learn which you will like best.