ADAT "no good TC" Error 7 issue

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OK, so i have not worked with ADATs in about 4 years, and I got an XT-20, and it was working great. Then some hiccups started happneing and so I thought, well, I'll clean the heads.

I happened to see on Musicians Friend that they had a head cleaning tape for ADATs. I called them up and asked if they wre positive that this product would not hurt my equipment. They said "of course not, that's why we sell it." I had usually manually cleaned them myself, but this was not a black face, a little different, so I thought, "what the hey" and I ordered it.

Well, I put I followed the directions, it did it's thing, now, i cannot get anything but "no good tc" and "error 7" messages. I called MC and they told me to contact the manufacturer, but the manufacturer (this should have tipped me off to begin with) did not have any contact info. I went ahead and did a manual cleaning myself, and it's still not working. So now I'm screwed.

Any hints before I pay big bucks to take it to a repair facility?


"NoFo" could be a symptoms of many issues - as simple as a worn idler wheel (which is supposed to be changed twice a year), or problems with the linear head, or anything in between.

Send it off to Stan Jacox at the Studio Maintenance Centre.... excellent facility and very good pricing.
:cool: In the back of the owners manual, there is a list of what the error messages mean, I know that no-fo means " not formatted".
If you want I can look it up, post tomorrow the meaning, don't give up on it, these things are a little more rugged than credited for.

Well - yes - if you put an unformatted tape in - it will show NoFo....

But seeing the indicator when a formatted tape is in the unit CAN be a symptom of a variety of issues, some being user-maintainable, others not.
OK, so i have not worked with ADATs in about 4 years, and I got an XT-20, and it was working great. Then some hiccups started happneing and so I thought, well, I'll clean the heads.

I happened to see on Musicians Friend that they had a head cleaning tape for ADATs. I called them up and asked if they wre positive that this product would not hurt my equipment. They said "of course not, that's why we sell it." I had usually manually cleaned them myself, but this was not a black face, a little different, so I thought, "what the hey" and I ordered it.

Well, I put I followed the directions, it did it's thing, now, i cannot get anything but "no good tc" and "error 7" messages. I called MC and they told me to contact the manufacturer, but the manufacturer (this should have tipped me off to begin with) did not have any contact info. I went ahead and did a manual cleaning myself, and it's still not working. So now I'm screwed.

Any hints before I pay big bucks to take it to a repair facility?


Had the same issue. I ordered new belts and replaced them, but the main thing causing the error was a loose ribbon connection to the circuit board. I deoxed the connector and pushed it back together. Machine is working fine.
Had the same issue. I ordered new belts and replaced them, but the main thing causing the error was a loose ribbon connection to the circuit board. I deoxed the connector and pushed it back together. Machine is working fine.
I certainly hope this person solved their problem 20 years ago. Can you even get parts for these things anymore?
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Not that this is related, but is there anyway to clean the tapes themselves that have been recorded on. I wanted to listen to some old tapes we made in 2000 but my
error keeps saying bad tapes and I can see a film on them. They have been sitting in their cases for about that long and they have some kind of build up
on them. If there is a way I would like to give it a try before I throw the tapes away and get rid of the ADAT. I had a few ADATs at one time and as I was doing trades on other equipment I would force the trader to take an ADAT in the trade whether they wanted it or not or I wouldn't make the trade. I kept one. I tried selling them
and giving them away but never got any takers. I just couldn't bring myself to chucking them in the dump. I got the one I have now for free at a musicians estate sale, I should have know better than to take it but I still had the tapes laying around so I figured why not.
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Do you have any tapes that do work in the machine? It still may be a machine issue.
Do you have any tapes that do work in the machine? It still may be a machine issue.
It may be the machine but I have no other tapes and no real need to buy one. The main reason I wanted to hook it up besides listening to some old tapes is to see if the BRC record button is working. Everything else on the BRC is working with the HD24 but the record button does not want to put the HD24 into record. I have read the manual and there are some functions on the BRC that it mentions won't work on the HD24 because of the difference between tape and HD but it doesn't mention the record..function. I have asked around the net but no one seems to remember.
" I have no other tapes and no real need to buy one"

I'm not sure if you would have a way to buy one, when was the last time you saw any S-VHS tapes for sale?

If you have an old VCR, you could throw the tape in there and fast forward and rewind it to make sure the tape didn't turn into a solid lump of plastic. Other than that, the only way to test if it's the machine or the tape is to find a known working tape or another known working machine.
" I have no other tapes and no real need to buy one"

I'm not sure if you would have a way to buy one, when was the last time you saw any S-VHS tapes for sale?

If you have an old VCR, you could throw the tape in there and fast forward and rewind it to make sure the tape didn't turn into a solid lump of plastic. Other than that, the only way to test if it's the machine or the tape is to find a known working tape or another known working machine.
I am sure I can find a tape on line somewhere. I think a buddy of mine has some, I will have to ask. I haven't looked for a tape so I can't tell you the last time I saw one. I could check ebay or reverb, there might be some there. It is not really that important. I put those tapes in, got the code, but I never tried fast forwarding or rewinding. Maybe I should try it just for sheets and giggles. I used to like finding old small speakers hooking them up and blowing them up, so it would be about the same. I just went to ebay and checked , they are there.