Ada Mp1


New member
Have there been any other preamps as versatile as these since they went out of production? This seems like the ideal item to work into my rig. I gig a lot, and I'd like to have something still supported by the manufacturer.

I can't steer you into any current production units similiar but there is which is a user forum and resource for ADA users/fans.

There are links to one or two guys that do refurbs and mods on these and warranty their work. You could get a warranty this way but you would have to return the unit to the individual. There would be no "authorized" warranty repair shops.

This could be your best bet but there may some somthing currently in production that I am not aware of.

Good luck in your quest. :)
They don't break, and they are cheap. Why worry about support? Buy two off eBay, have the ADA Depot Noise Mod and battery replacement (at least) done, you're still cheaper than most gear, and you have a spare.

I have a stock one, and a 3TM, they are both great.

Edit: The Marshall JMP-1 has some fans too, and AFAIK, Marshall is still around ;)
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ermghoti said:
They don't break, and they are cheap. Why worry about support? Buy two off eBay

I agree with this.. They are a sweet little unit but sometimes hard to find on Ebay.. I have the Mp1 and two of the ADA slant 2x12 cabs... love'm!
Anybody remember the ART SGX2000? I always thought that seemed to be a pretty useful device. Again, what seemed to be a great product phased out before I really started working like this. I know a guy that has one. I've offered money for it, but he won't part with it.
At one point I had the MP1, MP2 and the Marshall JMP-1. The MP2 is more versatile than the MP1, but I preferred the overall tone of the MP1. The MP2 seemed a bit more "processed" sounding than I like. I liked the tone of the JMP-1 better than any other guitar rack-pre I ever played through, including the Mesa Triaxis. (I know that'll probably get me some flames, but it's just personal preference. I wasn't saying the Marshall is better, just my fav)

Even though I preferred the tone of the JMP-1 over the others, I don't feel it's as versatile. The tones are all kind of similar to me. But they are all very good. :D

Funny thing I've noticed is that when I bought my JMP-1 the retail was $799. Now it's more in the $1300s IIRC. Did they change the design??

I ended up selling my whole guitar rack to scale down. :(