AD/DA Converters + HD24?

I'm using the ones in my DDX3216 digital mixer. I have yet to try the converters in the hd24. I bet they're better though. The converters in my DDX get the job done. While I hope there is better sounding converters in the HD24, I'm pleased enough not to have to use them yet if the's any help to you.

chris-from-ky said:
I'm using the ones in my DDX3216 digital mixer. I have yet to try the converters in the hd24. I bet they're better though. The converters in my DDX get the job done. While I hope there is better sounding converters in the HD24, I'm pleased enough not to have to use them yet if the's any help to you.


Sort of but maybe I am little confused. I want to run about 8 mic's through 8 separate preamps then out of the pre's into either an RME ADI8 DS 8 Channel or Apogee Rosetta 800 or a Lucent 8 AD/DA then record into the HD24. I always thought the sound would convert better through these dedicated pieces of equipment then just going straight to the HD24.