Active speakers


New member
Hi just a thought, If I have active RCF15s is there a way to bypass the on board amp and use an external amp, this is more to do with PA use as a back up?
Two-way active speakers usually have two amps and an active crossover, plus digital processing to optimize everything. To bypass the internal amps you would have to replicate that arrangement with external gear. It would require significant gear and expertise to get it all set up well enough to come close to what the internal amps and processing do, and it still wouldn't be as precise or offer the same protection. Besides, it would void the warranty.
Thanks for the reply bouldersoundguy. Its not worth the hassel I will use both as they were intended.
Two-way active speakers usually have two amps and an active crossover, plus digital processing to optimize everything. To bypass the internal amps you would have to replicate that arrangement with external gear. It would require significant gear and expertise to get it all set up well enough to come close to what the internal amps and processing do, and it still wouldn't be as precise or offer the same protection. Besides, it would void the warranty.

Wow, you totally nailed it. :thumbs up:

Why don't you just give them a line-level input? If the way you've got things set up makes it logistically daunting to reroute everything so you've got a line level signal going to them, you can take a speaker-level signal and attenuate it down to line level. There are boxes built to do exactly that, or you can make one.

While the scheme (amplify - attenuate - amplify again) is scarcely ideal, when you're talking about something that's just a backup system, what matters is that it will work (if needed).