Acrobat's Wife - redu


New member
Thank you for all the feedback last time this is a complete re-record, re-arrange - actually reincorporated some aspects of my original version (tabla/bass piano) from 4 years ago.

Listen here

Thank you

Shy drums, very shy. Vocals a bit too loud I think. Nice spread otherwise, made with care, well balanced. Sweet piano sound. Good voice man, nice natural vibrato, I'd like to have that too.
Volume, Burt. They're almost not on stage ... you've got the drummer sitting behind the curtain. He's playing from backstage in this mix.

The repetitious bass note is stepping on the mix too ... competing directly w/ the vocal for center stage. There's too much energy in a certain frequency in it. You'll need to roll an eq up and down the track to locate it, but I'd pull the energy back a bit in it. Listen for when the vocal steps out of the fog.

Nice tune. Mix has got some fixin' left to do.



I use the Waves Ren Bass which excites the upper harmonics - perhaps roll that off before I go on the EQ search.

I am just not getting the drums issue on my monitors, but that's 2 votes so will bring it up. Perhaps burn off a CD and listen to it in car and else where.

Cheers for input

Drums are a whisper in the background. Don't be afraid to make them a lot lot more prominent. Snare sounds like it could do with a bit more low-end body to it as well - sounds very thin and cracky at the moment, though that could be due to its low level in the mix.
Pumped up drums and pulled back on Bass harmonics, pls listen and consider


Thank you for your comments

Now I'm off to watch Australia hopefully beat Germany!

Reminds me of Nick Cave...that kind of stuff. Lead vocal sounds way up front and the backing vocals far far away and the instruments in the middle...maybe all a bit centred too...just on a first listen.

A 4-0 drubbing I see. Stick to Rugby League!