

New member
i have a 11x 24 foot garage to work with, it has a carpeted floor wood walls.. and a few shelves here and there.

i was wondering about placement of all the equipment in order to achieve the best sound when recording.. where should the drums be in relationship to the people and there guitars.. where should i put my recording computer etc.

any tips would help.. or does it really make mushc of a diference if you arent doing that high quality stuff
doesnt make much differenceman dont sweat it much just go ahead and start recording and ull learn by time :)
I'll vote for "it does matter", and "it's a good question". There are a lot of ways to handle it, but basically, since it's probably pretty unlikely that your garage has GREAT acoustics, you're going to want to deaden the room as much as possible. Hang blankets, set up bookshelves, get some Auralex foam (or similar), and start experimenting with placement. You'll probably want the computer setup at one end, with your monitors placed symmetrically, centered in the room. Some acoustical treatment on the sidewalls, and the ceiling immediately above, will help. As for the rest of the room, I'd get the drums as far away as possible (other end of the room), and then start placing the rest of the instruments. The more you can do to deaden the sound reflections, the less placement will be critical. But try to set up your computer so that there's some space between the monitors and the wall. Otherwise, the frequency response is going to be so not-flat that you'll never be able to get a good mix in there.

Another option is to put the computer at the end of the room, facing into the room. You'd need to seriously deaden the wall behind you, but it would eliminate some of the frequency peaks due to nearby boundaries, and you could see players while at the computer. The best would be to put up a wall with a window, so that you can have a separate room...

Of course, if you're just looking to play, and don't care what it sounds like, I'd definitely recommend to "just go ahead and start recording." ...
